

What is a Cutover?

A cutover is the process of transitioning from one system to another. During this period, certain functions in the old system (GEMS) will be unavailable as they are migrated to the new system (Oracle HR). This facilitates a smooth transition and minimizes disruptions.

Cutover Times

During cutover periods, certain functions in GEMS will be unavailable. These periods may be staggered, with specific functions transitioning at different times. 

First Cutover Item: Leave Entry Changes

The cutover for leave requests and approvals begins March 14. Employees may only enter leave into GEMS for dates up to and including March 13, 5 p.m. If an employee needs to enter leave for March 14 or later, they must enter it in Oracle HR. Training modules are available to assist you with this process.

FAQs for Leave Entry Cutover

When will I have access to Oracle HR?

Non-exempt employees (Staff, OPS Hourly) will begin using timeclock in Oracle HR on March 14 via MyUSF or mobile app. Beginning March 24, employees will have access to Oracle HR via MyUSF.

What if I’ve already requested/approved leave in GEMS for March 14 or later?

The leave request/approval will not be migrated to Oracle HR. Only leave dates of March 13 and earlier will be migrated to Oracle HR. Beginning March 24, employees can access Oracle HR to request leave for March 14 and later dates.

If I can’t request leave for March 14 or later until Oracle HR launches on March 24, how do I request leave before March 14-24?

Please work with your supervisor to secure approval for leave during this period. When Oracle HR launches on March 24, you can enter leave for the applicable March 14-24 dates in the new system.

How should I request leave for multiple days, such as March 10-18, for example?

Use GEMS to request leave for the dates up to and including March 13. When Oracle HR is accessible on March 24, you may request the leave for March 14 and later dates.

Cutover Schedule for all items

Absences (Attendance & Leave)
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
March 14 March 23 Enter leave in GEMS Employee Self-Service (ESS) for time taken through 3/13. Time taken from 3/14 onward will be entered in Oracle HR as of 3/24.
All time in a pending approval status as of EOD 3/13 will be DELETED and need to be re-entered in Oracle HR on 3/24.
Employees and respective Managers will enter/approve leave through 3/13 in GEMS. Any leave requests from 3/14-3/23 will be entered in Oracle HR on 3/24.
Downtime: 6 business days
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22 March 9 Benefits module released to central HR staff on 3/10 for catch up/dual entry of transactions that occurred during the freeze.
  • PeopleFirst full data load occurring
3/19 with data as of 3/18 EOD.
  • PeopleFirst integration resumes
daily feed (tied to Oracle HR) on 3/19.
Urgent benefits-related requests can still be submitted in PeopleFirst during the freeze and the Central HR team and will track on and communicate about them to ensure they get entered in Oracle HR.
Downtime: 10 business days
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22 March 9 The following transactions will be postponed from 2/22 until ORACLE HR Go-Live on 3/24:
  • Classification and Compensation 
  • Reclassifications
  • Promotions
  • Salary Adjustment/Changes
  • Extra-Compensation (including temporary/permanent stipends)
  • Bonus/One Time Payments
  • New Position Establishment
  • Updating Position Descriptions
Transactions critical to USF business continuity and reputational risk will be prioritized and processed with approval.
For the period of 3/14-3/28, compensation-related actions will be entered by the Class and Compensation Team in Oracle HR.
  • On 3/28 all ESS and Manager Self-Service (MSS) compensation-related transactions we resume for the campus community.
Downtime: 10 business days
Core HR
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22 March 9 Transactions that will be prioritized during the cutover period:
  • BOG changes/corrections
  • Creation of new positions for recruitment
  • Extend or change appointments
  • Retirement
  • Terminations
  • Rehires
Downtime: 10 business days
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22 March 9 ANY COURSES that departments want to be converted to Oracle HR will need to be entered in GEMS by EOD 2/21.
Compliance courses will be able to be entered in Oracle HR between 3/10-3/21, and any users assigned to those courses may begin completing them on 3/24.
Downtime: 10 business days
Payroll/Time & Labor
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
March 13 March 24 for changes to W4 or direct deposit
March 14 for timesheets

W4 and direct deposit changes can be entered in GEMS through 3/13.

Requests to change W4 or direct deposit from 3/14-3/23 will be entered in Oracle HR on 3/24.
Transactions that will be prioritized during the cutover period:

  • PCAF
  • PPH
  • DSO Payments
  • Check/ACH reversals
  • Benefit changes/BNOUN
  • Garnishments
  • Updates to tax data in GEMS
For hourly employees, time will continue to be entered in GEMS until EOD on 3/13. Time will be entered in Oracle HR effective 3/14 going forward.
Payroll distributions will NOT be interrupted in GEMS self-service through (TBD) and any retroactive payroll transactions critical to USF will be entered in Oracle HR by Central HR on 3/24.


  • 6 business days for changes to W4 or direct deposit
  • 0 business days for timesheets

Exclusion to Downtime: ADP tile will continue to be available to USF community for salary information and W-2’s

Talent Management
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22 March 9 Historical performance scores will not be migrated to Oracle HR as part of this cutover.
Managers and employees will have access to the Talent Management module in Oracle HR effective 3/24.
Downtime: 10 business days
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22

March 9

*With additional shutdown of travel system until March 14

All known non-employee travelers should be entered in GEMS by 2/21 EOD.
*The Archivum travel system will be completely shut down from 3/10-3/13 to resume in Oracle HR on 3/14.
Transactions critical to USF business continuity and reputational risk will be prioritized and processed with approval.
Downtime: 10 business days
Gems Close Date Oracle Open Date Implications & Workarounds
February 22 March 13 3/10 to 3/13 - Catch up of targeted recruitments that have been hired or requisitions that came in but were not input in HCM – Remove security and approval workflow for bridge team
3/14 – Launch – with hiring (line) managers to interface with recruitment module in HCM business as usual

Downtime: 14 business days

Only targeted recruitment will be allowed – NO POSTINGS but requisitions will be accepted with paper request to fill form