Does your request concern a residence hall (dorm) room or on-campus apartment? If so, please contact Housing and Residential Education Maintenance and submit a request.

Phones and Internet Access
If you need service related to the campus phone system, internet access, or other Information Technology issues, contact the IT Service Desk. You may contact the service desk at 813-974-HELP (4357), help@usf.edu, or by .

Card Swipe Access and Security Systems
USF IT Operational Technology directly manages all requests related to card swipe/timelock access to buildings or classrooms, security alarms, and video security systems. Related requests can be submitted to the service desk at 813-974-HELP (4357), help@usf.edu, or by .

If you are a student requesting a repair to a non-residential facility, please contact the Facilities Service Center at (813) 974-2845 or FM-ServiceCenter@usf.edu
For an emergency facilities service request, call 813-974-2845 (24/7)
All university Department work requests (paying and non-paying) must be submitted online. To learn more about the work request process, visit the Facilities Work Requests Page.

Concept proposal Intake process
Are you a university department or organization requesting a modification to university space? Start with the Concept Proposal Intake Process, or use the Temporary Signage Request Form. These processes are used for requests involving adding/modifying signage (temporary or permanent), renovating/remodeling space, adding temporary space, adding aesthetic items (sculptures, trees, banners, etc.), or adding walls and/or cubicles.

Reserved Activity REQUESTS
Interested in hosting an activity on the Tampa campus? For information on submitting an activity request, securing rentals, or purchasing parking, visit the Reserved Activity Request page to learn more.

The Facilities Key Shop is responsible for the issuance of physical keys for E&G buildings.

Need help with university Department-related moves and relocations? Visit the Moves and Relocations page for more information about this process.

The USF Post Office is responsible for providing mail service to students and employees as well as operating a full service post office that is open to the public. Bulk mailing services are also avalaible to customers.