Documents and Archives
Faculty Senate Documents

- Constitution of the Faculty of the 51在线(Effective July 1, 2020; amended December 2021)
- (Effective July 1, 2020; amended January 2023 and January 2025)
- Faculty Senate Officer Duties (PDF)
- Procedure for Addressing Faculty Senate (PDF)
Faculty Senate Forms

Faculty Senate Honors and Awards

- Askounes Ashford Distinguished Scholar Award
- Distinguished Service Award
- Excellence in Research Award (Pre-tenure and Tenured)
- Honorary Degree
- Kosove Distinguished Teaching and Service Award (Graduate and Undergraduate)
- Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award
- Campus Carry Resolution (PDF)
- Computer Coding Resolution (PDF)
- Statement on Evaluation of Open Access Publishers and Journals (PDF)
- Racial Justice Resolution (PDF 2020)
- USF Forest Preserve Resolution (PDF 2021)
- Health and Safety Resolution (PDF, COVID-19)
- ACFS Mitigation Resolution (PDF, August 2021)
- (PDF, 2021)
- (PDF, 2021)
- (PDF, 2022)
- (PDF, 2023)