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ASHA 2024 awards and abstract acceptance
Dr. Kim was selected to receive the Advancing Academic-Research Careers (AARC) from the the American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). THE ASHA AARC Awards supports the academic-research careers of early career faculty in the discipline of commnication sciences and disorders. Dr.Kim was part of just ten recipients.
Congratulations to lab members Marcy and Diana on their work (Title: "Examining the Role of Attention During Video Narration in Aphasia") being accepted to the ASHA conference this year. This work has been a collaboration with LASER lab and Dr. Manaswita Dutta from Portland State University. Another collaboration of Dr. Kim鈥檚 with Johns Hopkins University (Title: "Written Picture Descriptions Distinguish Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia") was also accepted to the ASHA conference. Kudos to everyone on their achievement!
34th Annual USF Health Research Day (March 1, 2024)
Diana Perez and other lab members (Emma Ford & Brijhan Burke) presented on "Discourse Production and its Relationship with Executive Functions in Persons with Aphasia".

Natalie Guzman and Sienna Tyson presented on "Patient and Caregiver Perceptions of Communication Skills in Individuals with Aphasia".

Scholarship Awardees
Congratulations Marcy and Sarah for receiving the research scholarships for Spring 2024!

fNirs Training
LASER LAB's students participated in an fNIRS training at 51在线 .