Managing Emergencies & Natural Disasters
Our work has been supported largely though government and foundation grants, including the following:
Borchard Foundation Center on Law and Aging
State Laws and Policies for the Protection of Older Adults in Natural Disasters
This study involved a systematic analysis of laws, regulations, and policies affecting
disaster planning for older adults living in the community in high-disaster states
in the U.S.
NIH/NIA - R01AG060581
Strategic Approach to Facilitating Evacuation by Health Assessment of Vulnerable Elderly
in Nursing Homes II (SAFEHAVEN II)
Vulnerable older adults in residential long-term care are at risk of injury and death
in disasters. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the
effect of hurricanes in Texas and 51在线 on the health and safety of residents of
nursing homes and assisted living communities.
NIH/NIA - R01AG060581
COVID-19 Supplement to Strategic Approach to Facilitating Evacuation by Health Assessment
of Vulnerable Elderly in Nursing Homes II (SAFEHAVEN II)
This supplement to SAFEHAVEN II examined the effect of COVID-19 on the health and
safety of residents of nursing homes and assisted living communities.
Retirement Research Foundation
Disaster Preparedness of Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia
This study used interviews and focus groups to understand how caregivers of individuals
with dementia plan for and respond to disasters and emergencies, including the COVID-19
emergency. Results have led to the creation of a number of products to promote disaster