Recruitment Resources

GEMS Recruitment Resources

Video and/or PDF Job Aids are available here.  Please use Google Chrome for the best experience when viewing videos.  If you need help with browser or pop-up settings, contact the IT Help Desk at (813) 974-HELP (4357) or email To visit the IT documentation on Pop-up Blockers, click here.

recruiting overview

Provides an overview of the process flow for recruiting, user roles and common terms used in recruiting

  • Recommended for Hiring Department Representatives

create job opening

Shows the steps to create a job opening in GEMS

reviewing applications

Covers navigating the GEMS environment to review applicants for a position

  • Recommended for Hiring Authority, Search Committee or Interviewer Roles
  • View PDF Job Aid


manage applications

This training covers the steps after applications have been submitted. This includes reviewing applications, narrowing choices, conducting interviews and rejecting applicants until the "preparing a job offer" stage. Considerations such as the EEO report, Veterans Preference and downloading materials are also included.

  • Recommended for Hiring Department Representatives

maintain positions

Covers the steps to create a new position, update an existing position, or reclassify a position

prepare job offer

Shows the steps to prepare a job offer

  • Recommended for Hiring Department Representatives

disposition codes

Covers assigning disposition codes