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Svetlana Yampolskaya, PhDResearch ProfessorPhone: 813-974-8218 |
Research Interests:
Prevention adverse outcomes for children in the child welfare system; advanced analytical and methodological approaches
Svetlana Yampolskaya, Ph.D., is a Research Professor in the Department of Child & Family Studies, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences, University of South 51ÔÚÏß. Dr. Yampolskaya’s research focuses on prevention of violence against children and improving outcomes for youth involved with the child welfare system. Her current research interests include prevention adverse outcomes for children in the child welfare system as well as advanced analytical and methodological approaches.
She has been Principal Investigator and co-investigator on numerous studies examining issues related to child maltreatment, fatal child abuse, mental health, and involvement with juvenile justice among youth in the child protection system. Dr. Yampolskaya is also an expert in the analyses of large administrative data sets and applying advanced statistical techniques in intervention research. She has published numerous articles in which she has applied advanced statistical methodologies to address both theory-driven and practical questions.
Most Recent
Yampolskaya, S. & Callejas, L.M. (2020). The effect of parental substance use and mental health services on child safety and permanency. Children and Youth Services Review, 111.
Yampolskaya, S., Robst, J., & Armstrong, M. I. (2020). High cost child welfare cases: Child characteristics and child welfare services. Children and Youth Services Review, 111.
Vroom, E. B., Massey, O. T., Yampolskaya, S., & Levin, B. L. (2019). The impact of implementation fidelity on student outcomes in the life skills training program. School Mental Health. 12(1), 113-123.
Yampolskaya, S., Chuang, E., & Walker, C. (2019): Trajectories of substance use among child welfare-involved youth: Longitudinal associations with child maltreatment history and emotional/behavior problems, Substance Use & Misuse. 54(3), 437-448.
Quast, T., Storch, E., & Yampolskaya, S. (2018). Opioid prescription rates and child removals: Evidence from 51ÔÚÏß. Health Affairs, 1, 134-139.
Current Research
Spark of Duval, an Innovative Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
The study goal is to examine the impact of the Speaking to the Promise, Ability and Resilience inside Kids (S.P.A.R.K.) intervention on early involvement in risky sexual behavior and adolescent pregnancy/parenthood among foster care youth. The study employs longitudinal randomized-control design with three waves of data collection.
Regional Partnership Impact Project 5 – Our Kids, Miami
Using a stepped wedge cluster randomized-controlled trial design, this study examines the impact of the additional services that consist of a peer support worker—known as a Parent Partner—who will coordinate with the parent’s case manager and behavioral health treatment providers, help parents understand their case plan goals, help parents engage in and access substance use services, and advocate for the parent among parents whose child(ren) are in out-of-home placement, have a case plan goal of reunification, and at least one parent is required to attend substance use treatment as a reunification goal.Members of the comparison group will receive usual case management services.
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV)
MIECHV is a project that supports voluntary, evidence-based home visiting for at-risk pregnant women and parents with children up to kindergarten entry. The MIECHV Program builds upon decades of scientific research showing that home visits by a nurse, social worker, early childhood educator, or other trained professional during pregnancy and early childhood improve the lives of children and families. Home visiting helps prevent child abuse and neglect, supports positive parenting, improves maternal and child health, and promotes child development and school readiness.