Student Accounting
Dependents of Deceased First Responders Tuition Waivers
Please note: None of the waivers listed below can be used to cover Self-Funded/Self-Supporting, Market Rate Tuition, Sponsored Institute or Study Abroad courses. Excess Hour and Repeat Course Surcharges are also not covered.
Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the children and spouse of law enforcement officers or firefighter deceased in the line of duty. The children and spouse of correctional, or correctional probation officer, or emergency medical technician/paramedic deceased in the line of duty after July 1, 2019 will also be eligible for the waiver.
The student needs to bring written verification from the agency specifying that the parent, spouse or guardian was killed in the line of duty to the Student Accounting Office in SVC 1039.
Where to submit forms/documents:
In Person- Tampa Campus, SVC 1039
Mail- UCO-Student Accounting
ATTN: Kathryn Keller
4202 E. Fowler Ave SVC1039
Tampa, FL 33620