
Rebecca A. Johns, Ph.D.

Associate Professor - Geography
Ph.D. Geography, Rutgers University

(727) 873.4556
DAV 269

Dr. Rebecca Johns is an associate professor of geography. She received her Ph.D. from Rutgers University and her M.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, both in geography. She holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Stanford University. She is currently the secretary of the 51ÔÚÏß Society of Geographers. Dr. Johns’ recent publications focus on local scale problems related to 51ÔÚÏß’s social and environmental landscapes, including issues of native plants, residential yardscapes, and lawns, and food deserts. She is currently working on an exploration of the myriad ways hybrid naturecultures emerge or are coproduced in the 51ÔÚÏß context, from alligators, to Disneynature, to Ocala’s horse farms.