Geoffrey Potts

Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director
Office: PCD 4103
Phone: 813/974-6963
- BA 1989 (Psychology), University of Oregon
- Ph.D. 1994 (Cognitive Psychology), University of Oregon
Ph.D. Area: CNS Program
Executive systems and their involvement in personality and mental illness; Event-related potentials
Research Synopsis
The brain’s information processing capacity is a limited resource. Allocating a limited-capacity resource is an economic problem. My research uses human event-related potentials to study how neural motivation systems, particularly the reward system, use economic principles, e.g. expected value, to optimize information processing. We also study how motivation system biases may be related to personality and how system dysfunction may be associated with mental illness.
CNS (Cognitive Neuroscience)
Webber, TA*, Soder, HE*, Potts, GF, Park, JY, Bornovalova, MA (in press). Neural Outcome Processing of Peer-Influenced Risk-Taking Behavior in Late Adolescence: Preliminary Evidence for Gene × Environment Interactions. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.
Johnson, PL*, Potts, GF, Sanchez-Ramos, J, Cimino, CR (in press). Self-reported impulsivity in Huntington’s disease patients and relationship to executive dysfunction and reward responsiveness. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.
Soder, HE*, de Dios, C*, Potts, GF (2016). The Role of the Neural Reward System in Attention Selection. Neuroreport, 27(10), 787-80.
Bedwell, J.S., Potts, G.F., Gooding, D.C., Trachik, B.J., Chan, C.C., & Spencer, C.C. (2016). Transdiagnostic psychiatric symptoms and event-related potentials following rewarding and aversive outcomes. PLOS ONE, 11(6): e0157084,
Kamp, SM*, Potts, GF, Donchin, E (2015). On the Role of Distinctiveness and Semantic Expectancies in Episodic Encoding of Emotional Words. Psychophysiology, 52(12), 1599-1609.
Potts, GF, Litvin, EB*, Drobes, DJ, Evans, DE (2014). Neural Reward and Punishment Sensitivity in Cigarette Smokers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 144, 245–253.
Litvin, EB*, Potts, GF, Evans, DE, Drobes, DJ (2013). Cue Reactivity in Smokers: An Event-Related Potential Study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 90(2),258-64.
Potts, GF (2011). Impact of Reward and Punishment Motivation on Behavior Monitoring as Indexed by the Error Related Negativity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 81, 324-331.
Martin, LE*, Potts, GF (2011). Medial Frontal Event Related Potentials and Neural Reward Prediction: Do Responses Matter? Brain & Cognition, 7, 128-134.
Potts, GF, Martin, LE*, Kamp, SM*, Donchin, E (2011). Neural Response to Action and Reward Prediction Errors: Comparing the Error Related Negativity to Behavioral Errors and the Feedback Related Negativity to Reward Prediction Violations. Psychophysiology, 48(2), 218-228.