Executive Education

Executive Education


Executive Leadership: Leading Change
Executive Leadership: Leading People
Executive Leadership: Driving to Results!
Strategic Communications
Strategic Negotiation
Strategic Engagement
Extraordinary Leadership Course (ELC)
Strategic Thinking and Planning
Problem Solving Through Critical Thinking
International Economic Development
International Business Management
Women in Leadership
Global Enterprise Leadership

Coaching and Mentoring Program Courses

Senior Coaching and Mentoring
Mid-level Coaching and Mentoring
Women's Coaching and Mentoring


Adib Farhadi, Ph.D.

Senior Fellows
Lt. Gen. Martin R. Steele (Ret.)
Ambassador Michael Ranneberger
Peter Berardi, Ph.D.
William D. Anton, PhD.
Felicia Watson, Esq.
Scott Mann, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.)
Margie L. West, M.Ed, M.A.
Martin Hannratty, Ph.D.
K. Doreen MacAulay
Joseph Catalino, Ph.D.


Adib Farhadi, Ph.D.
Faculty Director of Executive Education
Assistant Professor
4202 E. Fowler Ave. CPR 468F
Tampa, Fl. 33620
(O) 813-974-3582
(M) 252-258-2666